SEA Airport Employers – We are here to help you!
Finding good employees is never easy. Specific job requirements, tight recruitment resources, or immediate hiring needs can make hiring frustrating.
Airport Jobs can help you find and hire the right people for the job. We’re a complete job listing and employment information center, serving over 100 SEA Airport & related employers.
Job Hotlist
- Viewed weekly by job seekers in person, at community job fairs, and over 2,000 weekly website views.
- Sent weekly to over 14,000 community based organizations, college/educational institutions, veteran organizations and client contacts.
- Our Job Hotlist is updated regularly to reflect current openings.
- Change job openings anytime by phone or email.

Application Management
- Controlled distribution and job matching – list of open positions customized to job seekers who meet job minimum qualifications you specify.
Interviews, Hiring Events and Badging Assistance
- Advance preparation reduces your headaches. Airport Jobs can provide a space for airport employers to hold open interviews and hiring events, based on availability.
- We can work with employers to schedule open recruiter times for job seekers to ask questions about your application process or get assistance with their online applications.
- We promote your in-person company hiring events to our clients and community organizations.
- We can attend your job fairs and community events, based on availability.
- We offer SIDA test preparation training in a variety of languages to help employees with the Port of Seattle badging process.
Airport University Free College Courses for SEA Employees
- Airport University provides career exploration, education and career-connected learning for career advancement. Through partnerships with Highline and South Seattle Colleges, we offer free college classes at SEA Airport for SEA employees.
Alaska Airlines – Airport University Scholarship Program
- Our Alaska Airlines-Airport University Scholarship Program is open to all SEA Airport workers to further their career goals.
Community Services
- We are a partner with DSHS for the Basic Food Employment & Training program. Our Staff are available daily to answer your questions and help you register for the program.
- Assist working families with information about childcare resources, utility subsidies, and more through our partnership with Washington Connection.
- We offer resource events at Airport Jobs, such as Health Insurance Enrollment Fairs and Transportation Fairs to help with commuting to work at SEA Airport.