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Port Jobs – Generation Work Reports

Port Jobs is the lead organization in Generation Work, a national initiative of the Annie E. Casey Foundation that explores strategies that help young adults ages 18 to 29 access living wage jobs and succeed in the workplace. The Seattle partnership supports young...

Food Worker Card Training Now Available

Do you or your staff need a WA State Food Worker Card? We can help! Drop in on Fridayss between 10:00am and 12:00pm (Noon) for FREE assistance in completing the online food worker card course. We will even cover the $10 cost to complete the course! (one card per...
You’re Hired!

You’re Hired!

“Airport University gave me the confidence to apply for a new job within my company.”   Kathryn Scott has worked at the Sea-Tac Airport since 2008 as a Customer Service Agent for a major airline. After seeing an Airport University flyer, Kathryn...
Port Jobs Developing Sea-Tac Workforce

Port Jobs Developing Sea-Tac Workforce

The Alaska Airlines blog recently featured a story about Airport University student Connie Aguilar. This story was written by Halley Knigge, Alaska Airlines, staff writer:   Connie Aguilar is nothing if not ambitious. She works full-time at Seattle-Tacoma...
Job Seeker File #56617: George Hazel

Job Seeker File #56617: George Hazel

After George Hazel was injured at his job in the auto body industry, he needed a change. He used Worker Retraining Funds for Dislocated Workers to enroll in Business Administration at Highline College. Airport Jobs hosted George for an internship required by his...